
2 Reviews on “Francesco De Caro, SSC”

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  • Vincenzo

    I have always trained, but with the fundamentals I started from absolute zero. In just one year with Francesco’s guidance I achieved results that I could not even imagine. Prepared, serious and patient in moments of weakness 😂. I struggled with 100kg of squat, and I got to 180kg 1×3. I had stopped with the bench for years at 90kg, today I reached 121kg 1×5. I had never deadlifted in my life, while today I reached 220kg 1×3. I am 1.90m tall and weigh 100kg. I am fully satisfied.

    Mi sono sempre allenato, ma con i fondamentali partivo da zero assoluto. In un solo anno con la guida di Francesco ho raggiunto dei risultati che non potevo neanche immaginare. Preparato, serio e paziente nei momenti di debolezza 😂. Faticavo con 100kg di squat, e sono arrivato a 180kg 1×3 , ero fermo con la panca da anni a 90kg, oggi ho raggiunto i 121kg 1×5 , e non avevo mai fatto stacco in vita mia, mentre oggi ho raggiunto i 220kg 1×3. Sono alto 1.90 e peso 100kg. Sono pienamente soddisfatto.

  • Luis

    I’ve had the pleasure of being coached by Fran for the past two years in Brussels, and I can confidently say that much of my progress is thanks to his exceptional guidance. His technical knowledge of the Starting Strength method is second to none, and he strongly emphasises correct form, ensuring that every lift is executed safely to prevent injuries and promote consistent progress. His attention to detail is remarkable—correcting imbalances or fine-tuning movement patterns, he’s always focused on achieving the best results.

    Beyond his expertise, Francesco is incredibly dedicated and kind, making each session both motivating and enjoyable. I couldn’t recommend him more highly!

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