
63 Reviews on “Grant Broggi, Major/USMC, SSC”

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  • Ray Gillenwater

    Grant and I met before I was an SSC. I hired him to help with a few of my clients – to ensure I was applying the Starting Strength model correctly. We later worked together and he helped me further develop my coaching eye and cueing skills.

    He is a skilled and experienced coach and has made hundreds of people strong – both in the gym and in the Marine Corps.

    1. Zach

      I had hurt my shoulder at work resulting in surgery and during my year off from being an ironworker I tried all kinds of therapy, stretches, massages and even a machine my doctor sold me for 300 bucks out of pocket. What a scam that all was. My insurance was about to run out and i was still in too much pain to return to my job. I heard about starting strength and rehabbing injuries through heavy lifting(a huge no no from all my previous help), read the book and started lifting at the gym. I was making ok progress compared to the all the other crap I was doing before but when I found out about the strength co being down the street I signed up immediately and went for my last 3 months of unemployment. Grant pushed me and showed me that I wasn’t as fragile as I thought i was. Now I make most of my coworkers look like weaklings! Its been tough balancing heavy manual labor and lifting, and I don’t think my shoulder will ever be exactly the same but at least I’m stronger than I ever was before and I have Grant and the other coaches at the strength co to thank for that!

  • Capt Nolan Hickey, USMC

    In early September 2014, I walked into the 1st Platoon, Tango Battery office as a “boot” 2ndLt ready to start my career as an artillery officer. It was the first time I met 1stLt Grant Broggi.

    Grant is a larger than life personality who is passionate about coaching and getting people strong – especially his Marines.

    Our first time in the gym together, he summarized my workout by shaking his head in disappointment and saying, “You’re doing it all wrong!”

    He was correct! I needed coaching in a bad way.

    But, as life would have it, an unexpected event in October 2014 left me with a shattered jaw that was wired for roughly a month. In that time, my weight dropped from a healthy 245 down to 213 on my 6’8″ frame. I lost QUALITY weight in a drastic way.

    By Jan 2015, the wires were off and I was ready for Grant’s coaching. Grant took me under his wing, set me straight with Starting Strength and offered these guiding principles:

    1) Learn the lifts
    2) Keep a logbook
    3) Make the time

    Our first workout (logged properly in a notebook) was on 29 Jan 2015 in Grant’s Carlsbad, CA garage:

    Squat – 165x5x3
    Press – 95x5x3
    Bench – 165x5x3
    Deadlift – 275x5x1

    On 24 Mar 2015, I squatted 315x5x3 for the first time and was weighing in around 255. In just 90 days, I was hitting personal bests on every lift and it showed. My clothes didn’t fit anymore, for all the right reasons, and senior Marines aboard Camp Pendleton, CA were noticing my transformation. It peaked their interest and led them to set appointments with Grant for one on one coaching before or after the workday.

    Over the next year, Starting Strength consumed me with the help of Grant’s watchful eye. I bought lifting shoes, got fitted for a belt and made time three days a week to get under the bar. It boosted my confidence, sharpened my mind and molded my leadership style to best serve my Marines.

    Personal bests under the bar consisted of:

    Squat – 370x5x3 (16 Feb 2016)
    Bench – 280x5x3 (10 Feb 2016)
    Deadlift – 415x5x1 (20 Jan 2016)

    Over four years later, I am still following Starting Strength, wearing the same shoes, the same belt and applying those guiding principles in my life.

    I am eternally grateful to Grant for his coaching, mentorship and his passion for getting under the bar. If you’re looking for a change in your life, reach out to Grant, learn the techniques, keep a logbook and make the time.

    You will not regret it.

    Capt Hickey, USMC

  • Michael Rosenberg

    I went to college and served in the Marine Corps with Grant. He’s the person who led me to strength training; which is an aspect of my life that I hold dear.

    Grant taught me not only how to lift, but the why behind it. His instruction led me to the larger arena of strength and powerlifting.

    He’s a great instructor with top notch communication skills that allow him to make information relatable at any level.

    Highly recommend.

  • Captain Kyle J Rempe, USMC

    *Marine Starting Strength Coach cracks the code on the Marine Corps PFT*

    I have known and served with Grant since July of 2012. Simply put, Grant is the type of guy that everyone looks up to. Mostly because he’s a stellar Marine Officer and great person. While serving with him, I witnessed Marines of all ages, young, older and his peers regularly seek his strength training advice and want to be his friend.

    I personally sought his advice when preparing for the Marine Corps Physical Fitness Test (PFT) Combat Fitness Test (CFT), Marine Corps Special Operations Assessment and Selection program and general strength training. His programming allows for the integration of strength training and preparation for the Marine Corps tests, like the 3-mile run. He strikes the perfect balance for training, allowing you to retain your strength gains in the gym and compete at a high level for the Marine Corps tests.

    I currently serve as a Marine Captain at Camp Pendleton with 10 years time in service. Prior to working with Grant, I would stop strength training in order to prepare for the 3-mile PFT run. My preparation would involve traditional running programs such as long distance runs varying from 3 miles to 6 miles. In doing so, I had to sacrifice my strength training gains and was force to start over in the gym after completing the PFT. After meeting Grant and his programming, that all changed.

    With Grant’s programming I have always ran a HIGH first class PFT. Over the past three years, I have ran the following scores: 264, 275 and this year 280 (with a 21:30 three mile time). I have also maxed out the CFT over the past three years with a perfect score of 300. During this time, I maintained (+/- 10 pounds) 435 back squat, 405 deadlift, 325 bench press and 215 press.

    The results speak for themselves. Seek out Grant, follow his advice and you’ll crush it.

  • Ugo Mendes Donelli

    I can tell you that when Grant Broggi started training me I took off.
    I have read Starting Strength: Basic Barbell Training trough 3 times. I started training on my own in an (hostile) Functional Training environment for more than 1 year. And Grant Broggi’s made the whole difference. He was able to spot my weaknesses and address them with ease, then accelerate my strength building process.
    I think it would have taken me a whole year to make the same progress I could reach in two months, thank to Grant Broggi’s help. He is patient and though. He is able to give the right cue and instruction, understanding where your limits are and where your potential is (better than yourself). You will be surprised when you will be able to lift weights you didn’t dream of with ease, because he understood your pace.

    Don’t think twice hiring him because his help will speed up your progress like you could never have done, safely.

    Grazie Grant!

  • Stephen Brooks

    Grant is a great coach. Very thoughtfully tailored my workouts around my age (71), my new hip and other age-related issues. We’ve worked together in-person and from afar sharing videos. He’s excellent at both. Tough but reasonable and understanding. Highly recommended.

  • Roberto Grünpeter Corrêa

    Grant is an amazing person and coach!

    I am a powerlifter from Brazil and met him at a Starting Strength Seminar. After that, I went to Strength Co. and he welcomed me, let me watch a few classes, answered my questions and even gave me coffee and a t-shirt! Also, his gym has a great system and all the equipment needed to be healthier and stronger!

    Highly recommend!

  • Matthew

    Grant Broggie and I started training together back in 2013 when he checked into my unit and became my Platoon Commander. My experience at the time was based off of what I had learned from high school football coaches and you tube. Needless to say it was not very effective. After a short time of fumbling around and not making any progressing I went to him for coaching. He introduced me to the Starting Strength method, and I haven’t looked back since. Over the years we have kept in touch while our careers have taken us to different locations but the mentorship and coaching has never stopped. From random phone calls to coaching me via facetime and video messages while was deployed I could always count on him to diel me back in.
    In October 2017 I was in a motorcycle accident where I shattered my right femur, it was repaired with a femoral nail and complicated with compartment syndrome that need an emergency fasciotomy. While I was in recovery listening to my Dr. tell me I may never be able to walk normal again I knew that was not an option. I immediately got on the phone with Grant to figure out how I was going to get back under a squat bar. Of course his guidance was to follow the Doctors order as far load bearing as to not complicate the healing of the bone and surrounding tissue. Once I was cleared to full body weight bearing the first thing we did was get into a squat. Starting with air squats 4 months after the surgeries we were back in the game. We moved slowly and only added weight as allowed by the doctor. Only 6 month after the injury I was able to squat 225 for a set of 5 and at 8 month I was cleared with no restrictions. With the close supervision and guidance from Grant I was able regain my strength and mobility which essentially gave me the opportunity to carry on my duty as a Marine Corps Drill Instructor.
    Over the last two years as a drill instructor I have not be able to maintain a consistent training program, however as my time in this duty draws to an end I have been able to find the time for consistent training over the last four months. With Grants coaching and guidance I find myself closing in on pre-accident weight on all my lifts. While it was a combination of the doctors amazing efforts, grants attentive coaching, and the science of adaptation under a load I am grateful to all that I made it this far.

  • Matthew

    Grant Broggie and I started training together back in 2013 when he checked into my unit and became my Platoon Commander. My experience at the time was based off of what I had learned from high school football coaches and you tube. Needless to say it was not very effective. After a short time of fumbling around and not making any progressing I went to him for coaching. He introduced me to the Starting Strength method, and I haven’t looked back since. Over the years we have kept in touch while our careers have taken us to different locations but the mentorship and coaching has never stopped. From random phone calls to coaching me via facetime and video messages while was deployed I could always count on him to diel me back in.
    In October 2017 I was in a motorcycle accident where I shattered my right femur, it was repaired with a femoral nail and complicated with compartment syndrome that need an emergency fasciotomy. While I was in recovery listening to my Dr. tell me I may never be able to walk normal again I knew that was not an option. I immediately got on the phone with Grant to figure out how I was going to get back under a squat bar. Of course his guidance was to follow the Doctors order as far load bearing as to not complicate the healing of the bone and surrounding tissue. Once I was cleared to full body weight bearing the first thing we did was get into a squat. Starting with air squats 4 months after the surgeries we were back in the game. We moved slowly and only added weight as allowed by the doctor. Only 6 month after the injury I was able to squat 225 for a set of 5 and at 8 month I was cleared with no restrictions. With the close supervision and guidance from Grant I was able regain my strength and mobility which essentially gave me the opportunity to carry on my duty as a Marine Corps Drill Instructor.
    Over the last two years as a drill instructor I have not be able to maintain a consistent training program, however as my time in this duty draws to an end I have been able to find the time for consistent training over the last four months. With Grants coaching and guidance I find myself closing in on pre-accident weight on all my lifts. While it was a combination of the doctors amazing efforts, grants attentive coaching, and the science of adaptation under a load I am grateful to all that I made it this far.

  • Emi G

    I have been training with Grant since May 2020. Started at 90lbs deadlift / 75lb squat and got to 300lbs deadlift / 285lbs squat in a little over 18 months. No prior lifting experience, all over Zoom, no injuries.

    He’s a fantastic coach, great dude, sessions are lots of fun, and we’ve become good friends.

  • Roz Mayall

    I am a 33 year old female based in London and met Grant Broggi on camera 1 year ago. I had never picked up a barbell before then, I was weak and I was scared I’d injure myself. I’d always been too embarrassed to go near the weight section of the gym and I truly believed if I lifted heavy weights I’d get ‘bulky’. I had no trust or faith in personal trainers (due to previous injuries) and I needed a coach, a proper coach – someone who I could put my complete trust in to get me to reach my goals.

    Grant is incredibly skilled. Every single session I’ve ever had with him has been via Zoom yet I feel as though he has been right next to me every time I’ve got under the bar. He is super encouraging, knowledgeable and somehow knows exactly when to push you further and when to stop.

    After 6 months of training 3 times a week, we completed a test day where I lifted 100kg/220lbs squat, 40kg/88lbs press, 116kg/256lbs deadlift and 56kg/123kg benchpress! I couldn’t believe it! If someone had told me a year ago I’d be as strong as I am today and I would have achieved that with zero injuries and a coach based on the other side of the world – I’d have laughed!

    Grant and I have never met in person (due to various lockdowns and travel restrictions), however he has changed my life in more ways than just physical strength to which I am hugely grateful for. Grant is an absolutely incredible coach and I wholeheartedly recommend.

  • JB

    I contacted the Strength Co in Orange County through the online chat function to ask about some muscle pains I was experiencing, and I heard back from Grant almost immediately. He gave me some instruction on how I could rehab the pain and I quickly got my lifts back up. I then made an appointment through the Strength Co website to do an intro barbell course. The gym experience with Grant was top notch. Only a few other people were there at the same time, so I received great personal instruction, cues, and form tweaks to give me confidence so I could continue progressing with heavy weight on my own. I’ve since done another gym session with Grant and plan on doing another one to practice my power clean technique. Everyone I’ve met at the Strength Co gym has been good people and if I lived closer I’d be there at least 1x a week. Grant definitely knows his stuff and his company even manufactures great training gear.

    Once I was getting toward the end of the NLP, I contacted Grant about transitioning to an intermediate program and he told me about a program he runs remotely called High Low Medium (HLM). For a low monthly fee you gets access to the virtual community and a weekly workout plan to help you continue to progress in the movement patterns. The program includes different variations and focus along with accessory and assistance lifts. Grant is available through the online platform to answer questions and provide guidance and adjustments as needed. I’m very pleased with the program and the service and attention I receive.

  • Jamie Clemons

    My love affair with weights began when I trained (albeit poorly) in the offseason for football / basketball between the 6th and 7th grade, and the difference it made on the field and court was like a cheat code. I have been lifting weights since I was 12 years old, and I will be turning 41 soon. During this roughly 30 years stretch I was constantly looking for a better way to lift, because I knew there was a better way – the effort was not yielding the results I was expecting. I started doing Crossfit in 2010 and loved it at first, there is nothing like barbell lifts and it is a fun community. However, the erratic programming and highly unqualified “coaches” were starting to wear thin as my injuries mounted – and my PR’s not only stopped, but I was finding that I was digressing.

    I first learned of Starting Strength when Jocko Willink covered the book on his podcast, and I ordered the book the same day. I have never read a book that made more sense to me or made me laugh out loud at all the things you see in gyms (pyramid workouts, arms resting on bars doing squats, etc) – it was like reliving my 30 years of lifting. I subsequently bought Practical Programming as well. I put together a garage gym and started the program.

    After about 3 weeks, my knee and back pain were completely gone, and I was amazed at the progress. Several months later, after blowing past all my Crossfit records, I started to stall on my progress, and I knew I needed two things: better form and custom programming. At this point I had read each book at least 3 times, but I knew I had gone as far as I could on my own. I looked at the starting strength coaches and followed some online. Grant stuck out to me because he was insanely strong AND fit (which is what I wanted, strength but not at the expense of being too heavy).

    Grant is simply the best training coach I have ever had by a mile, and I would venture to say this is true for 99.99% of athletes. Grants knowledge is incredible, and it comes from being highly intelligent, and coaching hundreds of people for thousands of hours. All my sessions have been on zoom, and it’s as good as in person. Grant has improved my form on all lifts, I have hit lifetime PR’s on Squats, Deadlift, Bench and Press, in consecutive weeks…at 40 years old. His programming is phenomenal, and he takes time to explain the why. Even seemingly mindless exercises, like pullups, have improved dramatically. Grant is a big and fun personality, he has a commanding voice that makes you lift better. His is of the highest moral character.

    A word of warning, Grant’s company, The Strength Co, has truly great stuff, once you start buying the shirts (so comfortable), steel plates and bbq sauce, you won’t be able to stop.

  • Geoff

    I’ve been exercising seriously for about a dozen years—first running, then trail running, then CrossFit. CF introduced me to lifting, which has been my focus for the last six years or so. I hit a plateau about a year ago, and joined Grant’s online crew to elevate my lifting.

    Grant is an outstanding coach and I’m with a great group of people from all over the world. The coaching is exceptional and, as a bonus, I learn a lot from the instruction everyone else receives. Additionally, The Strength Co folks have virtual coaching dialed in.

    I’m 48, have made significant gains in the last few months, and am now the strongest I’ve ever been in my life. I aim to maintain this trajectory for years to come.

  • Michael Buckley

    I began barbell training about 5 years ago, after doing crossfit for several years. I knew I needed to get stronger. To make a long story short, I found out about starting strength about a year into barbell training. After about a year and half of going at it alone, I attended a seminar at WFAC. Of all the coaches in attendance, Grant stood out to me. There is a passion that is evident in his delivery of cues and overall technical critique. I joined his gym via their zoom classes about 5 months ago, and all I can say is wow. I am 44 years old, and stronger than I have ever been (and it’s not even close). You can buy all the equipment, and you can read all the books, but eventually you are going to need a coach. Grant is an exceptional one.

  • Dane Grace

    I’ve been training consistently for a few years now. I’ve read all of the books – emphasis: all. I read the blue book when it was brown, the grey book when it was black and came back for the newest editions. I’ve read the Barbell Prescription. I’ve read Strong Enough. I watched the DVDs. I even read Starr’s books. I built a home gym and did my best to follow the program

    I could have gotten much further had I just dropped by the Strengthco and gotten coached by Grant. He is personable, competent and motivating. After less than two months of coaching I’m set to destroy my previous numbers. If you’re thinking about getting coached by him, stop. Just book time because you’ll just be better off.

  • Adam D

    The day I found out about starting strength I was hooked. The simple straight forward no nonsense approach to building strength spoke to me and fit my lifestyle. I am a farmer from Canada and I am used to hard work but I still needed someone to keep me on the path. It is true when you start getting stronger progress is harder and harder to come by. That is where a great coach can come into play. Grant has the great power to watch you lift and assess the bar speed and technique, and provide feedback if you have another rep left in the tank.

    I enjoy Grant’s humor and personality. Grant is also a goddam marine, and is no stranger to being in uncomfortable situations, he will not sugar coat or alter is approach if he see’s you are not lifting up to standard or not putting effort in. And that’s what you need in a coach. In a world full of soft minded leaders it is refreshing to be guided by a man that knows hard work and is not afraid to tell it like it is.

    Being strong always you to be more useful in all things that you come across in life. . I have an example of a real world situation where being strong has paid off for me. On the farm we deal with machinery all shapes and sizes. One day my father and I were wanting to hook the tractor up to the cultivator, well the jack was busted and the hitch was laying in the dirt. With no other way of lifting the hitch up other then getting another tractor with forks or something. I was able to take a long crow bar and put it under the hitch and try and deadlift the thing up. It was damn near a max effort deadlift but I got it up and saved us a bunch of time so we could get the cultivator hooked up and back in the field.

    If you want to be able to deadlift farm implements be strong, more useful and resilient. Grant will help get you there.

  • Jim Hurst

    What can I say, the training you get with the Strength Co is the best. I’ve trained with Grant and found him to be professional and knowledgeable on all aspects of strength training. He lets you know exactly what lifts you are doing in advance. This is important to me so I can prepare mentally. Grant makes the session fun which makes your time with them more enjoyable even though you are lifting heavy. Grant is in tune with the needs athletes of aging and what will help them to get strong so they can increase their quality of life. I highly recommend the Strength Co online to all, from a beginner to an advance lifter.

  • Carolyn S.

    I started lifting with Grant about five months ago and it’s been an incredible journey. Ive had the confidence to lift more and more because I know Grant is closely checking that I am lifting with proper form. He expects the best from you and that inspires me to push myself as hard as I can. I’ve never been stronger and I’ve never been more consistent. I am not a morning person but I excitedly get up at 6am in the morning excited to join Grant’s group class, full of amazing and hilarious humans. I am incredibly grateful to have this opportunity to work with Grant. Definitely one of the best choices I made in my life.

  • J.S.

    It is difficult to add anything new that hasn’t already been said above!

    Less than four months in, this 40+ office worker is squatting and deadlifting more than 315 and pressing more than 135. (Note: I don’t bench a lot of weight due to previous injuries.)

    This January I started doing the Starting Strength program in my basement via the app and watching YouTube. I did my best solo but always wondered about if I had the correct form, and was also concerned about possibly injuring myself.

    I signed up for a few sessions with Grant and I can honestly say it was the best money spent. My form needed work, and his guidance was incredibly helpful. Also, I was nowhere near the end of my novice progression (even though I thought I was previously).

    Keep in mind that there are about five minutes of rest between sets so a lot of the value I’ve received is while I’m talking with him about nutrition, rest, and cats. 🙂

    I then signed up for group classes with Connor. While I was hesitant at first, I found that the group was actually more motivating than lifting alone. Very supportive.

  • Sally Broggi

    I’m now a lifter!
    I attended one of Grant’s full day workshops in Boston Starting Strength gym, and learned the basics on the Starting Strength approach to getting strong, how to properly execute deadlifts, and backsquats. I followed this with 1 month of online video coaching, with Grant providing the programming, and a second month of just the programming. I now feel competent to continue on lifting own my own, and will definitely get back in touch with Grant when I’m ready to move to the next level. The camaraderie in the online classes is great, and opportunity to learn from the coaching given to other lifters too.

  • Barry V Dworak

    Grant was the first SSC who showed me the big 4 lifts hands-on, a few years ago, at The Strength Co, Costa Mesa, when I was visiting family and booked a coaching session.

    I’m 56 and enjoy all kinds of outdoor sports and adventures, started teaching snowboarding at 50, and Starting Strength has made this possible. Even when I just read the book and did my best on my own, it was the first training program that really allowed me to keep doing what I enjoy and to keep learning new sports and activities, too. I’d been going to the gym for years, even got a CSCS, but I found that most gym workouts only got me in good enough shape to keep going to the gym. Starting Strength got me stronger, to do what I really want to, in ways that no other approach ever had.

    Hands-on coaching at Grant’s gym really improved my form and results, and video coaching (not real-time) helped keep me on track, until one day a number of injuries old and new left me in pain, and derailed my training as my form and recovery degenerated.

    I called The Strength Co in frustration at an odd hour, and Grant happened to pick up the phone from his warehouse. He set me up with his real-time Zoom coaching, and even through the initial pain of rehabbing, it’s been an amazing experience.

    I had to start squatting at 135 again, and it hurt. But Grant got me through it, coached my form closely, programmed my lifts so I could rebuild steadily, and the weight on the bar kept coming up. Now, after 9 months or so, he got me to a point that I’d never been able to achieve before: I hit a series of PRs in most lifts, until after a few weeks in a row of PRs, I needed a deload. I’d read about this in Practical Programming, but Grant coached me to where it could actually happen.

    I’m back to squatting 250+ for reps and heading up, my Press has hit 185 when I had always stalled out at 150, my Bench is at 260 for reps, Deadlift which has never been high for me, is at 295 for reps. These are numbers I still want to improve, but given that 9 months ago everything hurt so much I thought I’d have to quit lifting, I’m thrilled to be back here. Best of all, nothing hurts any more. My body works as advertised, again!

    Thank you Grant for your commitment to giving me the best coaching and programming possible, despite my body fighting back. And the Zoom classes are a lot of fun, too, which helps me to stay motivated and gives me a sense of camaraderie even when I get up by myself in the morning and head to the garage.

  • Placido Santos

    I attended a squat and deadlift camp with Grant. All I have to say is WOW. He fixed my squat up big time. I do Jiu Jitsu so I have a pretty good idea of movement patterns, but wow grant brought insight that even I couldn’t figure out on my own. Since then my squat has soared! Thanks Grant

  • Dave Beatty

    I attended a squat and deadlift training camp with Grant in June. Prior to attending the training camp, my best squat and deadlift numbers were as follows:

    Squat: 3 sets of 5 for 237.5lbs / 3 sets of 3 for 261.25lbs
    Deadlift (with straps): 1 set of 5 for 305lbs / 1 single for 315lbs

    After correcting some form issues during the training camp, I’ve made steady progress and reached the following personal bests:

    Squat: 3 sets of 5 for 250lbs / 3 sets of 3 for 270lbs
    Deadlift (mixed grip, no straps): 1 set of 5 for 307.5lbs

    I’m encouraged by my progress and look forward to getting stronger. Thanks, Grant!

  • Eric Shiwlall

    I attended the squat and deadlift camp with Grant and it really helped me fine tune my form. I am now able to lift with more weight and smoother bar path all thanks to this camp session. Super excited to have this breakthrough as I had been struggling for so long. Thank you to Grant for being so informative and breaking it down. Let’s gooo!!!

  • Tracy Adams

    I started working with Grant in December of 2021 and within two months I felt like a changed woman. I was completed hooked on the starting strength method and saw fantastic results in my physique, my mental health improved and I was stronger than ever before. I had never really lifted before, I’m about five foot two and petite and never thought lifting weights was in the cards. Grant made things easy to learn, was really invested in my progress and training and was even supportive when I was so frustrated at the heavy weight that I wanted to scream. Grant challenged me to try new things like the Power Clean and I’m so grateful for it. Grant is an amazing coach, is super fun to train with and anyone would be lucky to get to work with him!

  • Brogan Bryant

    I’ve been training with Grant for two years, and I’ve seen incredible progress in my lifts, both in form and strength! I attempted to train previously on my own, but it really pays to be under the watchful eye of a certified coach like Grant or his team at Strength Co. They have also pioneered the online training program to make it availability to those who might not have access to a local Starting Strength gym.

    So whether your new to lifting or have decades of experience, I highly recommend utilizing Grant’s online training service.

  • John S

    Long time client of Grant’s. Could write a very long review about how he is a talented coach for the Starting Strength method and I went from 100 lb totals to over 1,000 in a few months or how he fixed a lot of my technical issues.

    Really all you need to know is that I had him train my parents, other close family members and some of my best friends. I recommend him to everyone I know.

    Young or old & weak or strong, he will be friendly, knowledgable and help you remain excited to start your training sessions and make progress month after month, year after year.

    After a short while, the hard part is walking through the door everyday and getting it done. Grant’s enthusiasm will certainly help you with that. His extensive coaching knowledge takes care of the rest.

    Contact this man to help you with your lifts. You won’t regret it.

  • Dave Comstock

    Prior to meeting Grant back in 2017, I had always been an avid lifter but was mostly self-taught and came to the realization that my form across all major lifts was probably limiting my ability to go up in weight. That, combined with hopping from workout template to workout template with no real goal in mind (or consistency for that matter) had me spinning.

    Then I found Grant. Grant opened my eyes to the Starting Strength method and programming and I was instantly hooked. Grant’s ability to tailor his coaching and queues to my needs really set him apart from other trainers I had worked with in the past. He does a fantastic job of articulating why the movements the way they are and really makes it easy to understand and allowed me to know when I’m not doing things correctly and self-correct.

    Aside from Grant’s coaching abilities, he’s just an all around fun guy to hang out with. I’ve worked with Grant and been a part of his gym now for 5yrs and have loved every minute of it. I can’t say enough positive things about Grant and his coaching staff for that matter, they’re all great to work with. Look no further if looking for a great coach and looking to get strong. You won’t be disappointed!

  • Austen Horn

    I attended the squat and deadlift camp with Grant and it was an awesome experience! I was looking forward to finally getting in front of a coach in person and Grant did not disappoint. Having him coach me as well as watching him coach the other lifters made me want to attend more/different SS camps.

    I have also set up my home gym with equipment from The Strength Co. The customer service provided personally by Grant and the quality of his equipment are top notch compared to other fitness industry outfitters.

  • Edan Bar-Lev

    I have utilized Grant as Coach for lifting an nutrition and in both categories, he’s been fantastic. He is extremely knowledgeable and pleasant (though I will never admit this in person). Grant provides you with the confidence you need to get back on track and be healthy. My highest recommendation.

  • Hank E

    When I retired in 2018 after working at a desk for years, I wanted to get my 55-year-old body into shape. I found Grant online and booked an intro class as a rank beginner to learn the 4 basic lifts. Jump forward a few years and I’m still lifting, progressing, and injury free.

    I’m indebted to Grant for coaching me in person and online. He has given me the tools I need to lift safely, confidently, and with good form. Most of all, he has made strength training such a positive experience that it is integrated into my lifestyle for years to come.

  • Kacey

    Grant Broggi has been training me The Strength Co. for about a year and a half. When I started I couldn’t even put the empty bar up on the rack. I’ve spent most of my life focused on trying to burn the most amount of calories possible in the gym and lifting anything heavy has mainly just felt dangerous.

    Grant is extremely knowledgeable and he met me where I was at. I work in the mental health field and we often joke that Grant is a part time strength coach and part time colleague; Grant is a natural leader and he has a gift for helping people believe they can get strong, that they can do it safely, and that there is value in the process. He also makes the whole thing fun while maintaining a level of excellence in his technical knowledge and programming.

    Today I am stronger than I’ve ever been. I’ve gained some weight, which at first I wasn’t overly excited about, but it turns out I feel much healthier, seem to get sick less often, and my clothes still fit. My relationship to food has changed; the ongoing experience that what I eat directly relates to what my body can do has been extremely helpful to me. Grant has coached me through this process, and I appreciate his emphasis on an overall healthy body because it helped me trust his guidance both with strength and nutrition.

    Grant is an excellent coach and a great person, and I’m very grateful for all of the ways I’ve grown and changed as a result of our work together. If you are looking to get strong and change your life, Grant is the best at what he does!

  • Eric

    The squat, deadlift, bench camp was awesome.

    Grant is a clear communicator. He is motivational without being overbearing. He makes it easy for lifters of all abilities and experiences to succeed.

    I strongly recommend attending one of his workshops and following him on Twitter. I’m glad to know him.

  • Evelyn torree

    Training with the Strength Co is the best. I have been training with Grant and like how he knows a lot about strength training and knows exactly what he is doing. He gets you to where you want to be very quick. I never imagined I would be lifting the amount of weight I am. I used to not lift because I would have back pain but now I know I wasn’t doing the right way. He shows your the proper way to lift so you don’t get injured. The best part is Grant makes training enjoyable and I like how they push you and motivate you to keep going. Strength co and training with Grant is the best!!!! Highly recommend

  • Emily

    Really Great Coach! I’ve been training with him 4+ years.

    Grant is super knowledgeable about lifting but more importantly he’s really good at helping you know what to do to get stronger. He has always made it very easy for me to understand (so important when I was starting!). I hadn’t ever really used a barbell before and so being comfortable with the cues and his feedback was crucial to me becoming actually confident lifting. He makes it fun while never letting me off the hook.

    I think that’s the best part: Grant’s energy!! Because of him there is a great culture at his gym: good music & good people cheering you on, challenges, jokes, support … all the things you need to be excited to keep training.

  • Alejandro

    Grant and Strength Co. have changed my life. I grew up as a swimmer and lacked proper weight bearing training. Grant and his coaches taught me how to lift correctly and made me stronger than I have ever been. Lifting with Grant is the one thing in the last couple years with the greatest positive impact on my life from confidence to sports to physical activities in everyday life. He is truly a man of character and creates an environment where we can get things done right and have fun doing it. I cannot thank him enough and I hope you get to meet him and stop by the gym someday!

  • George E.

    I hired Grant when I moved back to SoCal after living abroad for two years. I had been working 80 hours a week, and all the traveling, working and eating poorly had made me weak and depressed. I needed to snap myself out of it. Having trained for years before traveling, but now feeling frail, tired, and unmotivated, I knew I needed a coach who could help me get strong again and who would hold me accountable. I found Grant in my area and decided to pay him a visit. 6 months later, I am stronger than I have ever been and eating and sleeping better than I have in years. Grant’s the man.

  • Doug Britt

    I just completed Grants squat, press and deadlift camp a few hours ago and I can’t believe how much I learned . Grant is a excellent coach . His ability to communicate was outstanding has well as his ability to motivate you to higher level . I’m in my late 60s and fairly new to this and never once did I feel out place. With his coaching/motivating I achieved some things today I didn’t think I could . I highly recommend him.

  • Nathaniel Cook

    I had an awesome time at the Greenville,SC lifting camp. I received the guidance I needed even if it wasn’t exactly what I wanted to hear. Grant is knowledgeable and professional. It was a pleasure getting to know him. The camp is exactly what I needed and a great value.

  • Ian Rossi

    I attended a Squat, Press & Deadlift camp in Greenville, SC with Grant. His coaching was top-notch, as well as answering any questions that we threw his way. I workout alone, so I’m paranoid that my form’s breaking down, especially as the weight gets heavy. The ability to receive real-time critiques on my form was extremely helpful.

  • Kirk Conover

    Grant coached the recent squat/press/deadlift camp in Greenville. It was very well run and absolutely worth the time, effort, and money. Our class ranged in ages from early 30’s to late 60’s, but Grant was easily able to adjust coaching style as needed. The Q&A session at the end was very informative, and answered numerous programming questions and issues. I would not hesitate to recommend Grant as a Starting Strength Coach.
    Now just hurry up and move to Greenville!

  • Mark

    Grant put on a great class that I would highly recommend it to anyone that wants to get stronger. Grant not only explained the techniques clearly but also why it was so important to do the techniques correctly. I think the best part of the class was after you did a set Grant would explain what you did right, what you did wrong and then gave Cue’s to how you can correct your form. Money well spent!

  • Barclay

    Attended a three lift camp coached by Grant. He did an excellent job instructing a group spanning several decades at various stages of lifting progress. Grant gave specific corrections to each lifter that translated well as teaching points for all. He delivered quality advice and answers to all questions. Worth the investment.

  • Bill Deese

    I attended the Squat and Deadlift camp with Grant and I highly recommend it to anyone who’s serious about lifting with barbells. Grant is a fantastic teacher and coach, and I had a lot of fun learning from him.

  • Brendan Wonn

    Grant is a fantastic coach and motivator. Highly recommend him for both in person and online coaching!

  • Christy Coppenger

    He’s motivating/informed/systematic. I have been helped in my day to day life building strength in a way other exercise never delivered.

  • Malia

    I have known Grant as a friend for over a decade. I finally started lifting at The Strength Co. gym in Costa Mesa, CA in 2020 after years of Grant trying to get me to come in and lift. I’ve always been involved with team sports and never really followed an individualized training program. I was hooked after the first class. Grant’s ability to break everything down, make you feel comfortable and also push you to be your best is inspiring. Happy to call him a friend, a boss and now a coach.

  • Rory H.

    Grant and The Strenth Co. are a First Class Operation. I met Grant last year in October 2021 when I was purchasing some plates from him. I had no idea how to properly use a barbell and really needed the training. At the time I had no idea that he owned a gym and he suggested that I come to an intro session at his gym. I figured that I had nothing to lose so I signed up. The intro session went well, and I decided to join the gym for futher instruction. He also introduced me to the Starting Strength book which is a wonderful resource. 11 months later after the intro, and regular visits at The Strength Co. gym, I am stronger than I have ever been in my life and still getting stronger. I have surpassed every expectation that I had in my mind about how much weight I could lift and how strong I could get and gone well beyond what I ever thought I could lift and doubled those values. I am 57 years old and the training based on the Starting Strength Methods that he and his coaches have provided is second to none. Grant is an excellent motivator and he and his team make everyone feel at home. Every lift is personally watched and your form and method is critiqued so that you get better every time. Habits and details observed while you lift ( that you could have never imagined or thought of) are brought to your attention, and these details trully make a big difference in how you lift and how strong you get. I cannot speak higher about the value and experience that you get with Grant and his team. I would not hesitate one bit to recommend Grant and his team for anyone serious about learning how to lift with a barbell and that is wanting to get stronger. Truly, this has been a life changing experience. Grant is a no nonsense coach and The Strength Co. is a no nonsense place that delivers results immediatelly. You are free to choose to go to a corporate fitness franchise and play pretend gym and waste your time and money OR, if you are serious about getting strong and staying strong, you can sign up with Grant and his team at the Strength Co. and go to town!

    Easy Five Star Plus rating.

  • Ryan

    I’ve been training with Grant for over 4 years now. He’s a fantastic coach who’s extremely experienced and knowledgeable. Besides being great technically, he also has the rare gift of making lifting sessions fun and exciting.

    Getting stronger has had a profound impact on my life. As someone who sits at a desk all day, I used to struggle with back pain. After lifting, my back issues have been eliminated!

    I urge anyone who is thinking about lifting to contact Grant. It will change your life.

  • Anna S

    Prior to starting The Strength co. I was tired all the time and my hips and back were constantly hurting. I’m a 39 year old female who has never done any strength training in my life. When I first started The Strength Co I had no idea what to expect. I just wanted to lose some weight and stop the aches and pains. Within 1 session you can already feel a difference. Mostly sore but definitely stronger. I started my deadlift at 65 lbs and after a year of training, my max deadlift is 200 and I’m working on more. I love the mental challenge. It has helped me relate to life in a way when things get hard, I know I’m getting stronger. Aside from that, my body fat mass has dramatically decreased, I am more confident, my clothes fit way better and I feel unstoppable! It’s easy when you have coaches that cheer you on and the community that The Strength Co provides is unlike any other gym I’ve ever been to. Thank you so so much to Grant and all of the coaches at The Strength Co for changing my life!!

  • Ethan Bynon

    I first met Grant during my intro to barbell session at the Strength Co. in February 2022. I was planning to enter a Starting Strength apprenticeship in Texas and I wanted to be fully coached through the novice linear progression. I thought I had already squeezed most of gains I could get out of the NLP and expected to not get much further without “intermediate programming”.

    I was wrong.

    Grant pushed me beyond what I thought I was capable of and made me a better lifter. He is the best kind of coach, the one that knows exactly when to push you, when to encourage you, and when to tell you something you don’t want to hear.

    From February 2022 to early November 2022, these are my best stats (Male, 5’11”, age 29):
    Overhead Press: 200 lbs -> 245 lbs
    Bench Press: 255 lbs -> 315 lbs
    Squat: 365 lbs -> 495 lbs
    Deadlift: 445 lbs -> 545 lbs
    Bodyweight: 285 lbs -> 265 lbs

    A special note on the bodyweight, my body composition changed positively. I went from a XL to XXL shirt, but my belt size went from 44″ to 38″. I was losing weight on my waistline, but my shoulders and chest were gaining lean body mass.

    Grant went above and beyond as my barbell coach, teaching me many important lessons I will take with me in life and in my pursuit of a Starting Strength Coach certification. I cannot recommend him and all the coaches at the Strength Co. enough.

  • Marta Goodman

    Dear Grant,
    I wanted to give you a quick update on how Paul and I are doing and how effective the exercise program we started with you between May and July of 2022 has been for us. Of course it helps to have our own equipment by Strength Co. in our garage. 🙂

    We both work out three times per week on alternating days. I enjoy working out; and this statement comes from a person who never worked out before.

    Don’t tell me that old dogs can’t do new tricks. I started lifting weights when I turned 67 this year. Being a very cautious person, I only go up about 0.5 lb per week. Now my rack pull is 50 lb, and bench press is 32.5 lb. During the last few weeks I started to notice that my muscles in my arms and legs were getting stronger and more visible. I felt the best on Thursday. I had all the energy to take care of stuff around the house, and felt as good as I felt before my cancer diagnosis 5 years ago. Illness is in the past, and I am looking forward to getting myself stronger.

    Thank you, again, for your interest in us and for your dedication to make people healthier. You helped us to get on the right track toward a stronger and healthier life.

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and to your loved ones!

  • Guy Kemmann

    I have had two coaching sessions with Grant and have been doing the SS method for an out 3 weeks now. I’m moving along the novice linear progression. Grant has been extremely helpful not only in teaching the lifts but also coaching along the way as questions have come up.

  • Jordan

    Great camp in Alpharetta. Appreciate all of the coaching and teaching from Grant and Ron. Looking forward to getting stronger!

  • Alex

    I am very new to strength training. When I started practicing the movement patterns, they were very difficult to maintain when the weight got heavy. Attending a coaching seminar allowed Grant and his team to correct errors in my form and helped me continue to make progress in my novice linear phase. I highly recommend their services!

  • Spencer Elliott

    My wife and I attended a barbell training session with Grant in Greenville, SC and had a great experience! We came to the class with different levels of familiarity with barbell training, and Grant effectively taught us the basics while also addressing some more intermediate topics and questions. The Blochaven location is clean, attractive and well equipped. We were even able to grab a beer next door after the class to make it a real date! As you can see from him YouTube videos, Grant is an effective, dynamic and well prepared coach. I’ve shared his videos with friends and fellow trainees and will likely go back for an in-person tune-up. Recommend you check him out for strength training!

  • Anthony Dombkowski II

    I’ve trained with weights for most of my life. This was my first time ever receiving any sort of face to face formal instruction for strength training. Grant helped me correct my form and was able to provide me with feedback on how to continue forward with my training. My only regret was not doing this sooner.

  • RK

    Coach Grant was my first introduction to strength training and I’m so blessed to have crossed paths with him. I walked into Strength Co in late 2021, not knowing much about strength training but knowing I had to make a life decision to become stronger and healthier as I age. He guided me through the basic barbell lifts and I committed to give the Strength Co and Starting Strength a shot and 2 years later I never looked back. I’ve never been stronger, healthier and in better shape and now training isn’t a optional part of my life but a necessity and requirement for my physical and mental/emotional well being. Thanks coach for The Strength Co as well the gym with the best equipment and community in CA!

  • Chance Harrington

    Great coach! Clear with his instructions and has cues that are easy to remember!

  • Matt Davis

    Grant is an awesome coach who can really quickly identify a range of challenges and issues that all lifters face, no matter their level. I attended a seminar held by Grant and he really was knowledgeable, informative, helpful, and motivating!

  • David Margolis

    There’s only one Grant Broggi! Over the years I’ve had several in person personal trainers, fitness classes, and working out on my own. Nothing has given me the results or the satisfaction like Grants online zoom class. He keeps you dedicated and consistent! Great coach, great class, great results!

  • Carl R Johnson

    I’ve been training under the Starting Strength method for over six years (off and on). This past year I set for myself the goal of hitting a 495lb deadlift, but was maxing out at around 435lbs. I had trained with SS coaches in the past and had read the books numerous times. So, while I didn’t need ongoing 1-on-1 coaching, I did need some guidance on programming from an experienced coach who knew the intricacies of an intermediate lifter at my age (40).
    Grant’s 1-hour consultation through his company, The Strength Co, was the perfect solution for me. We set a time for the video call in the spring of ‘24, and I made sure my phone and tripod were all set up and ready to go (Bluetooth headphones were a huge asset here). Even though I was primarily focused on my deadlift, he took a look at my squat first before watching one set of my press (both checked out) and then finally my deadlift. After watching me pull my top set, he gave me programming recommendations that I honestly never would have thought of on my own. Namely, a rotating rep scheme on my heavy DL days where I would start with a 5RM, then on the next heavy DL day add 20lbs and go for a 3RM, then for the next heavy DL day add 20lbs and pull a single. Then, the cycle starts over with a 5RM but 5lbs heavier than the previous cycle. Never in a million years did I think that I could add 20lbs to the bar but reduce the reps and still complete the set. I immediately implemented his recommendations and over the ensuing months saw my deadlift steadily climb. Just over a month ago, I hit my goal and PR of 495lbs and joined the five-plate club.
    This here is the value of hiring a trusted, experienced coach. I’m tremendously grateful to Grant for his slight but powerful course correction in my programming, and would highly recommend him to anyone looking to start or hone their strength training game.

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