
3 Reviews on “Will Morris, PT, DPT, SSC, Board Certified Clinical Specialist in Orthopaedic Physical Therapy”

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  • Chad Lane

    Will Morris has been my coach since about June 2021.

    I used to have a lot of form problems and Will helped me clean that up quickly. At the end of my novice phase, Will set me up with a solid program that works great with my schedule.

    I’ve had lingering pain from injuries, knee surgery and wear and tear from the Marine Corps. Will helped me get much stronger and reduced my pain significantly. He’s answered a slew of questions for me and helped me get stronger than I even thought was possible!

  • phillip dorrian

    Will deserves a 6 out of 5. I have a complicated surgery and injury history. After my most recent procedure, my surgeon, and other support providers recommended never to “load the spine” again, ever. I viewed many of Will’s podcasts, and discovered a video in which Will had trained a man with a similar procedure, with surprising success. I was not disappointed. Systemically, I feel better than I have in more than a decade considering all of the barbell movements required for our program.

  • phillip dorrian

    My previous review of Will was incomplete. I wanted to add that I was confident with my form and programming before I started online coaching/rehab with Dr. Morris. He gave me incredibly useful cues with form in every single lift. The programming I had used before his instruction was way off target, and he corrected this as well. He is very detailed in his instruction, and also has a great sense of humor. Considering my extensive injury history, including a cervical fusion of 4 vertebrae, I believe what he is teaching me will add enough longevity to my barbell lifestyle that I will be able to reach my goal…to lift until I’m dead.

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