Starting Strength Gyms Listings

Starting Strength Coach Directory

General Info

The Starting Strength Coach Directory is the public-facing database with all Starting Strength Coaches who are in good standing and entitled to use the designation “Starting Strength Coach.” Maintenance of certification for SSC requires each coach to keep a listing on the Directory, attend regular audits of the Starting Strength Seminar, and provide documentation of professional insurance.

    Public Resource for
  • verifying legitimate SS Coaches, Gyms, & Events
  • locating SSCs, Gyms, &/or Events to engage services
  • giving feedback on SSC, Gyms, and Events


The standard Directory listing for each coach is $50 a month to cover the costs of SSC audits, the maintenance of records, the infrastructure of the Directory, and guided referrals to coaches, gyms, and/or events from the site for any person requesting assistance.

Starting Strength Gyms assume the cost for their coach/es with a fee of $50 per gym. The Gym is also listed in the Directory as soon as the Gym has an active website and completes the information for inclusion.

Listings for SS Gyms and SSC working for SS Gyms

SS Gyms and SSC working at gyms show standardized coaching options, all directed through the gym. The listings are personalized through gym or coach with specific images, videos, biographies, online coaching options, and specializations.

Example Starting Strength Gym listing: Starting Strength Dallas

Example SS Gyms SSC listing: Jarret Beck

Listing creation and updates made by submitting information through forms. This enables a record of each submission and for each part of the listing to be modified as needed so that it displays correctly. This is often required for images so that images are not distorted or displayed with low quality. Coaches are tagged based on the information submitted, so that those searching for coaching help can sort between available options.

It is the responsibility of both the Gym and the Coach to keep listings up to date, as well as to notify of changes in services or employment. Referrals, whether passive or active, are only as good as the information contained in the directory.

An SSC leaving the SS Gym ecosystem to operate independently will need to update his listing so that he can maintain his credential, as well as to receive referrals in the future.

Add or Update a Starting Strength Gym Listing

Add to or update a Starting Strength Gym listing by submitting the form. All information should be included for the initial gym listing. If you are updating a gym’s information, only the submitter’s email address, Gym Name, and changed/added information needs to be entered.

Gym information to gather: SS Gym Documentation

If you do not have an account at this site, request an account.

Need a coach to be added or updated? See SS Gyms Coach Listings

Critical Gym Updates

  • updating to new urls on your sites or social media accounts
  • coaches – any time an SSC joins or leaves payroll – remember that an SSC moving out of the SSGym system will need a complete change of profile information so he is no longer associated with your gym and to begin paying for his listing
  • location – eg change from city to specific address once lease is signed
  • pricing
  • change in opening date/year


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