
1 Reviews on “Squat & Deadlift – May 18, 2024, White Plains, NY”

Overall rating
  • Lucas Reis

    I had a fantastic afternoon training with Inna and Christopher! They paid close attention to my movements, providing valuable cues and corrections, which I especially appreciated since I primarily train alone at home.

    Christopher’s coaching on my squat was particularly effective. I was concerned about my depth, but he assured me it was fine and advised me to focus on other issues, like bending my knee earlier. Inna’s guidance on my deadlift was also impactful; for instance, she noticed that I was lowering the bar too far from my legs. I hadn’t caught these and numerous other small issues in my video recordings.

    The programming discussion at the end was excellent, offering a great introduction to the grey book.

    This workshop was money well spent, and I will definitely do it again!

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